20 July, 2012

2. A Magical Night

When Kaylee awoke the next morning happy and refreshed.

due to her happy mood she decided to have a go at cooking.
she started out with waffles seeing as she didn't really
want to burn the house down.

looks like it turned out ok.

Sadly however when washing the dishes the sink decided to break.

Good job Kaylee you tell that sink who's boss.

Whilst fixing the broken sink a large puddle of water
 pooled around Kaylee's feet.

the joys of an abundance of water.

after the sink fiasco Kaylee went back to playing guitar,
she is starting to get the hang of it.

She soon went back to painting, she was getting anxious to
 finish her latest creation

Money, Money, Money :)

Night soon fell over Starlight Shores and Kaylee turned in for the night
Kaylee was still sleeping soundly when the
Postman arrived to drop off more bills

Good to see that the Postman decided to put it in the Mailbox
this time.

Kaylee quickly paid the bills and went inside

Kaylee went to continue painting.
this painting looks promising..... good job Kaylee

Kaylee decided to explore her new neighborhood  

She she grabbed her bike and started riding

She went to the edge of town and started running

She came to a small park with lots of vegetable plants

She went round and collected as much as she could carry

Whilst Harvesting the plants Kaylee saw two wild horses that
had come to the park.
Kaylee fell a pang of homesickness as the horses brought back
 memories of her home farm

Kaylee watched the horses until the late hours of the night
eventually she had to go home

She went straight to Bed to get some rest before the next day

Kaylee woke early in the morning to the sound of
barking in her front yard

from her window Kaylee could see this cute as stray dog 

She went straight outside to adopt the little angel
however he ran away as soon as Kaylee opened the door

Since it was almost morning Kaylee decided to get ready for the day.
she wanted to go back the that park to watch the horses again

Sadly the shower broke after she used it

Kaylee couldn't be bothered to fix it: she was on a mission

She headed straight out

and rode to the park

Kaylee got off the bike and ran all the way to the Park
she just hoped the Wild horses were still there

She was overjoyed to see that the wild horses were still there
Kaylee was so happy that she didn't notice this young man sitting
by the lake watching her

She still didn't notice him when he came up behind her

"so did you come here to see the horses as well" Kaylee asked
him once she finally noticed him
"oh yes!" the strange man answered

"oh how silly of me i didn't even introduce myself" Kaylee blabbed
 "i'm Kaylee Radford i've just moved here"

"Hi Kaylee my names Sean, I've only been living here for a year
 before that i moved around with my Parents, they were explorers
you see so I've been to Egypt,China, France and
many other places." Sean explained

"Wow sounds like you've been everywhere". Kaylee said
"Yeah but it is nice to settle down a bit" Sean replied

They soon stopped talking and watched the horses some more

Before she left that night she decided to Harvest some more
plants so that she could start a small farm

Sean being a kind man helped her collect different samples

They collected until the sun set

Sean made Kaylee a drink before she had to go. so that they could
both have a break after there long day

Just as Kaylee went to leave she saw a Beam of light shine from the
 sky and she set her eyes on the most magnificient Horse she had
 ever seen, only it wasn't a horse it was a Unicorn

She was thrilled she had only heard stories of this magical creature.
she ran right up to it and feed it some of her newly
 harvested produce 

Sean came and watched Kaylee with this magnificent beast, he was
 in complete awe of the way she handled the unicorn
she definitively had a way with animals

As Kaylee went to leave she got a big surprise Sean walked up
to her and gave her a small kiss.Kaylee stood there bewildered

Sean said a quick goodbye and left

After coming out of her daze Kaylee grabbed her bike and
rode home

She went straight to bed and dreamt about the amazing night she just
 had with Sean 

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