16 August, 2012

6. A Feathered Friend

Since finding out Kaylee was pregnant Sean would offer to do all
of the housework, including washing the dishes

Whilst tidying up the leftovers from lunch Sean thought
 back to Kaylee's love of animals. he would love to get her one

Kaylee would sit and watch TV while Sean did the housework

Once Sean had finished he would always join her

" Smooch "

Sadly while they were watching TV it broke

"NO NOT THE TV" Kaylee screamed,
 her emotions were a bit eccentric due to her pregnanct

"Don't worry Kaylee i'll fix it" Sean said

"There all fixed" He told Kaylee

Sean was really looking forward to being a father

"I will always remember the first time i met you Kaylee" Sean said
" that one magical night with you and and Unicorn"


Sean instructed Kaylee to go to bed

Whilst he did the Laundry

Sean would often go into the Nursery to stare at the cot
and imagine the new life that was growing inside his wife

He eventually joined Kaylee in bed

The Next morning the Baby had grown significantly

Like a good husband Sean would make Kaylee breakfast

Mmm Pancakes

I can't wait until our little bundle of joy shows themselves

After breakfast Kaylee went down to the store
 and Sean went out for a jog

He wasn't far from home when he spotted a
 strange creature in the distance

It was a Rare species of bird the Spotted Sixam

Sean went and coxed in onto his arm
"Come on little fella,i wont hurt you" he said

Looks like Sean has a way with animals to

"you are beautiful" Sean said " Kaylee is going to just love you"

Sean ran right home 

and built a small bird perch 

"Welcome to your new home little birdy" Sean said

Sean let the bird hop onto its perch

and gave it some food

i think he likes his new home

Sean ran outside and waited for Kaylee to return

"Hello little one, Daddy's got a surprise for you
 and mummy" Sean said to his unborn child

"what did you get Sean" Kaylee asked curiously

"Wait here" Sean said and Kaylee obeyed

"Ta da" he said when he walked outside with
 their new pet on his shoulder

"You got a Spotted Sixam" Kaylee screamed excitedly
"that is the rarest bird that sims have found how did you get one?
"I found him whilst out for a jog" Sean explained "he seemed
 more than happy to come with me"

They brought the bird inside and Kaylee tried to get it's attention
doesn't look like it likes Kaylee very much

Eventually he warmed up to her

Awww Kaylee really loves all animals great and small

"See i told you she would love you" Sean said to the bird
they had recently named Sixam

"Come out soon little one so you can see Sixam as well"
 Sean said as he listed for a response 

After playing with the bird some more Sean put the
 washing out on the line to dry

then he put another load on...

Whilst constantly under the constant watch of Kaylee

After doing the laundry Sean decided to teach Sixam
how to sing his favourite songs

Meanwhile Kaylee did the dishes

"Kaylee you shouldn't overwork yourself, you
are going to give birth any day now" Sean warned

"you sure i can't help you Sean" Kaylee asked
"no no i'm fine you just go sit down" Sean answered

Kaylee sat down, as instucted

Sean brought her over a plate of salad

Then sat down with is own plate and they ate a pleasant meal together

"I just realized that this is one of the last times it will be
 just us sitting here eating dinner, we will have a little boy or girl
 joining us" Sean mentioned

After dinner Kaylee compromised with Sean by here
doing the dishes then going straight to bed

Sean checked on Sixam before heading to bed himself

isn't that cute they are both dreaming about their child

Early that morning Kaylee woke up with a start, and Sean quickly followed

"Ahhhh" Kaylee screamed in pain "The baby's coming"

Sean ran outside to get the car ready

And he took Kaylee straight to the Hospital

Good Luck Kaylee
Check out the next post for the big Surprise

Also i'm always looking for your ideas for story line, especially for the Founders Flashbacks. i want to make my posts filled with things you want to see 

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