01 June, 2014

41. The First Goodbye

The Snow kept up for days after Elsa's birth ,
 leaving a nice layer all over the yard.

"Are you warm enough Kaylee" Laila asked concerned for
 her great-grandmother in law

"Laila i have told your time and time again, i am perfectly
 fine" Kaylee said, she loved that Laila cared but over time everyone's
 constant doting over her started to get annoying.

Because of the snow i sent Carl and Sean out to build a snowman
 (no frozen joke intended) when the camera suddenly flew to Sean.

Laila heard the commotion and rushed outside as Sean
 became surrounded by a bright glow.

It wasn't long before Sean as we knew it was gone,
only a shadow of the man that once was.

Issy quickly joined everyone outside, followed closely by Kaylee

"No..." Kaylee cried  as she watch the love
 of her life pass before her eyes

Sean knew his time has come and greeted the reaper as equals.
"Goodbye my love" he said to Kaylee as he left this world forever.

Everyone watched in horror and sadness as
 Sean Radford was no more.

Poor Kaylee could barely stand, she was grief stricken 

Because the Grim Reaper is weird and insensitive he went and
asked Kaylee for an autograph before departing

I built a small graveyard for Sean next to the stables

Poor Kaylee was beside herself, despite the freezing cold she
 couldn't bring herself to leave

After a while Isabella came to see her mother

Without a word Kaylee embraced her daughter and sobbed
"Mum i....." issy didn't know how to finish her sentence

After what seemed like forever they parted.

"Mum, your not doing anything for dad standing here freezing,
lets get inside ok" Isabella said trying to be strong for her mother

"Ok.... lets go in" Kaylee said quietly

As they came inside Laila came downstairs with Elsa

Poor Carl wasn't coping very well

"Hey Kaylee, would you mind keeping an eye on Elsa for a little while,
 I have a man upstairs who could use a talking to" Laila said,
she hoped having Kaylee take care of Elsa would make
 her feel a bit better.

"I.. I don't know Laila" Kaylee said unsure

Kaylee could only so no for so long and it wasn't long
 before she was smiling again with little Elsa in her arms

Everyone was struggling, Nigel built a snowman...
not really sure how that will help but if it works it works.

By the time Laila came upstairs Carl was in with Hamish,
 he put him down quietly, it was obvious he had been crying 

AND HE JUST......" Carl yelled as he started getting angry
raising his fist and kicking some of Hamish's toys out of anger.

"Carl!" Laila said as she backed away

"Oh My.... i... i am so sorry Laila...
.. i just..." Carl broke down in a fit of sobs in his wife's arms

"It's ok, i know what this feels like. trust me." Laila said comfortingly

"You ok now?" she asked
"Yeah... i guess" Carl replied

With that Hamish toddled over
"Daddy... what's wrong daddy" he mumbled

"Nothing my boy, everything is gonna be ok now" Carl said

With that Carl put Hamish to bed

No-one felt like talking over dinner, it was a very quite evening

Poor Kaylee tossed and turned all night, having to sleep,
 for the first time in years, alone

Time passed slowly at the Radford house but it wasn't
to long before it was Carl and Elsa's Birthdays

Laila took Elsa to the cake


Elsa grew to be a beautiful young lady who
 could pass as a twin for her older brother. She has Jet black
 hair like her father and grandfather as well as his green eyes.

Ever since Nigel turned up all the kids look like him.
 anyone else have this???
Next up Carl's turn
Hamish grew into a strapping young boy, he love
\s to play pranks and cause mischief, he is a softy at heart
though always caring for his sister.

Looking Good Hamish.

This post is dedicated to Sean Radford,
the founding father of this Legacy. He will be missed.

Message from Me
Hey everyone, sorry about all the feels. Sadly Sean left us this post and i worry about poor Kaylee. However we should look forward to the next generation of this Challenge so i will probably put the poll up for heir soon, i may however get Laila and Carl to have another kid now that there is a spot in the family but time will tell. As always love to hear your thoughts on the matter.


  1. Aww, it was sad seeing Sean pass. I'm always tempted to turn aging off when my elders bar gets full, especially when they have grandbabies in the home. And it seems Nigel has some really strong genes. He's left his mark all over little Isidor lol. Great post Marliahn looking forward to the next one.

    1. Yeah i do miss Sean and poor Kaylee just keeps crying, however elder sims are kinda boring and i do have a family to build so life goes on. Nigels genes are ridiculous even crossing games lol. it's strange because i didn't actually make him he was a townie so who knows.

  2. I was sad to see the title of this post! I really liked Sean and it's going to be so weird to see Kaylee go too. Elsa is such a pretty toddler (she suits her very pretty name!) and I'm a big fan of Hamish's curly hair! Great post as always, if a little sad!

    1. Yeah i was sad writing it, i don't really know how i am going to cope when Kaylee finally goes but both of them are/were days past their life bars so we might have a while yet. Elsa is so cute i love playing with her and Carl they are just adorable together and Hamish has grown into quite the cutie as well.

  3. Hey guys just to let you know that the new post probably wont be out for a while and to apologize for the wait. I have just finished a block of exams and still have four big assignments due. Hopefully after all that i will get some time to play and thus post however the next post may still be 3-4 weeks away. Sorry guys but my grades kinda have to come first.

    1. No problem at all Marliahn and good luck with your grades. Iris and Isidor are up on the exchange should you want to use them in your blog when you get back. http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=8287851
