21 October, 2012

15. Generation 2 Heir

Kaylee couldn't sleep very well that night

She wondered around and just looked at everything

"I remember when i used to read this to my little girls" Kaylee said

She just sat there for hours trying to come to terms with the fact that
one of her girls were leaving that day

After a while Sean noticed she was gone and came out

"Can't sleep?" he asked

"no i'm just so worried about my little girls, today
will be hard on them and..." Kaylee began
"you don't want one to leave" Sean interrupted

"no i don't, this will be the last time we are all together
as a family for a long time" Kaylee said
"Well, lets do something special then" Sean said

The two discussed the details of Sean's little plan over
a game of chess

after a game then headed back to bed

The next morning Kaylee and Sean were already up
when the twins came out

as a treat Sean was making them all breakfast
"How did you sleep girls" Kaylee asked when they sat down
"Good" they both answered

meanwhile Sean was busy slaving away on the stove

"Breakfast is served, now go get yourselves a plate" Sean said

The family had one final meal together

After breakfast Briyanna helped by washing the dishes

"What's with the cake?" She asked

"I've decided to celebrate my birthday early with you and
 your sister" Sean said
"That's a great idea dad" Briyann said
So the girls went and got changed

Before gathering round to celebrate Sean's birthday

He doesn't look any different to be honest

Despite just having breakfast they whole family enjoyed some cake

After the Cake the girls sat down

and the family gathered for the Heir reveal

"I'm sorry girls, but one of you will have to leave us today"
 Kaylee said her eyes tearing

"We know mum, It's ok" Briyann said

"As you guys know we didn't choose the voters did, and we
 love you both immensely" Sean said 

The girls just sat impatiently waiting

"The voters have chosen... Isabella" Kaylee announced

"ME, really?" Issy exclaimed

"Yes you, Well done issy" Briyanna congratulated

"What about you" Issy said

"I'll be fine, Me and Leo can travel to
Moonlight falls like we were planning." Briyanna siad

"I love you Bri" Issy said
"I love you to Issy" said Briyanna

"now if you excuse me i need to go pack" Briyanna said

Before walking to her bedroom

"Mum, can i borrow the car. i want to go get Briyanna
 something" Isabella said

"of course you can" Kaylee said

So Issy jumped in the car and headed into town
She went to a small little op-shop at the edge of town

She paid the cashier and headed home

Briyanna had just finished packing

"This is for you" Issy said "Its a camera so you can send us your
 pictures of Moonlight Falls

"Thank you so much" Briyanna exclaimed

Then the two sisters had a big loving hug

Briyanna called up Leo and asked him to come picker her up -
 she explained that Issy won the vote

Leo was there within the hour

"I'm sorry Bri, but at least we can go on the big trip now" he said 

Leo waited outside whilst Briyanna said her goodbyes

"Goodbye mum, i'll send you emails and photo's of my trip,
 i love you" Briyanna said

even strong Sean was getting emotional

"I love you too, be good and stay safe" Kaylee said

"Cya dad, i'm glad i got to celebrate your birthday" Briyanna said

"I'm glad you were here, I love you don't forget to visit" Sean said

Briyanna then turned to her twin
"I'll miss you Issy, its going to be strange not sharing a
room with you" Briyanna said

"your going to have to visit all the time, your leaving me here with
 just mum and dad" Isabella said

"Goodbye sis" Briyanna said embracing her sister

Briyanna turned to leave

Kaylee ran to her and gave her a big hug
" i love you Briyanna, be good" she said
before Briyanna walked out the door and was gone

Isabella walked into the room she used to shared,
it seemed half empty without Briyanna's supernatural junk

to make herself feel better she redecorated

She placed her prom picture on the bedside table
"I'm going to go to bed" Isabella yawned before the
whole family turned in for the night

Message from me 
I hope you enjoyed my special double post, Isabella was the winner by 2 votes. but don't worry we will see some pictures of Briyanna and Leo in moonlight falls. as always i'm looking for Story line ideas so please please put some forward. 


  1. Loved it! What if Issy continues in her partying ways and leaves her parents look after her kids?

    1. Great Idea, Maybe Isabella will enjoy the perks of Adulthood a little to much

  2. Great post! If Isabella does turn out to be the party type and leaves her kids for her parents to look after, maybe the kids can grow up to be rebellious. Some regular visits from the police could stir up some drama for the Redford family.

    1. I like the way you are thinking.i'm going to have some fun this next post :)

  3. I'll miss Briyanna & Leo
    There kids would have been so cute!
    Here is a story line:
    Have Issy get addicted to partying then gets pregnent & gets hooked on children so much she wants to do a 100 baby challenge.
    Now I think you will find that it will cause some commotion

    1. I like the first part of the idea, but i think i will do one challenge at a time
